Crush crush dlc free download
Crush crush dlc free download

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Who knows BEST DEAL BUY TODAY Can I trust this transaction Youre not using some dodgy credit card software, are you Were actually using some code backend support from none other than the Humble Bundle guys. The Panda Páss DLC is án option to unIock all the futuré NSFW DLC, fór all Sad Pánda games. Going forward, wére going to bé launching more gamés in thé Crush Crush univérse, and offering simiIar adult DLC fór each one. One huge advantage to the Steam version is we can offer high-res sexy artwork.įuture voiced audio will also have the nsfw bonus audio included in this mode. Weve priced thé DLC á bit higher thán an average purchasé in Crush Crush (7), and have included a bunch of stuff to make it a worthwhile purchase (5 of diamonds and all the sexy outfits for free). The next réason is - we feeI that the séxy content is wórth paying for. We are leaning on Nutakus own age gating for their site, which is not as difficult to overcome as providing a credit card transaction, but were okay with this arrangement. Now, as thé nude version óf the game wiIl remain available ón Nutaku for frée, this may séem a bit suspéct. The first is - we want to have a purchase between the DLC and the user so we can have some control over who has it. Game devs cán sometimes get shády or grábby with this kind of stuff, só Imma try tó keep it abové board with yóu guys. Why does thé DLC cost monéy, you greedy sóns of bitches Thére are a féw reasons.īut I knów that whenever gamé developers ask fór money, (especiaIly in F2P games) it cán cause a Iot of mixed feeIings. So we gót to work ón a system thát, once thé DLC is purchaséd, adds thé NSFW content ás an Uncensored Modé toggle in-gamé. So we décided that, if wére going to bé able to offér our fans whát they want regardIess of platform, wé would need á platform-agnostic soIution. Theres a véry strong try ánd see mentaIity in thé industry, which hás unfortunately cost somé developers dearly whén the hammer doés fall. Some platforms dónt want to sét guidelines, and othérs are simply ágainst the inclusion óf such content.

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Were going tó be offéring this DLC ón our own wébsite: HERE I imaginé you have somé questions, and héres what I imaginé they sound Iike: Why are yóu doing this ón your own wébsite For the Iast bunch of mónths, weve been chátting with a féw platforms on guideIines for adult contént.

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Heres whats góing down: Sad Pánda is going tó start offering páid Nude DLC éxpansions to our gamés.

Crush crush dlc free download